As part of our Heroes for Hope partnership with Jackson R2 Schools, we are participating in their Hope 4 Christmas event. We are asking you to be a Hope 4 Christmas Child Sponsor. Sponsors will shop for and purchase one of the following items for each child you sponsor: a pajama set, a package of underwear, a package of socks, a shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, and a toy/wish list item.

In the coming weeks, after you sign up to be a sponsor, you will be given the clothing and shoe sizes and the child's wish list. Sponsors are encouraged to spend at least $150 per child.   After you have purchased your items, please DO NOT wrap them.  Families will receive wrapping paper and supplies as part of their gift. Each item must be labeled with the following information: Family number, boy/girl or mom/dad, and age.   Drop-off dates for donated items are Thursday, Nov. 21, or Tuesday, Dec. 3 from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM at Jackson Middle School in the front driveway in the new gym.