youth ministry

We strive to lead students to become passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. Partnering with parents and trained leaders, our mission is to teach and inspire the next generation to be founded in their faith and confident in their Creator. We encourage students to walk boldly towards Christ, apply His truth to their lives, and develop strong, life-changing relationships with the God of the universe. We want our students to know Jesus so that they will make Him known to others. 

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Sunday School

High Street Campus

When: 10:15-11:15am (following 9am service)

Location: Youth Activity Center (YAC) - Cox Hall, 2nd floor

South Campus

When: 9:00-10:00am (before 10:30am service)

Location: Room 110

Youth Group

When: 6:00-8:00pm during the school year

Location: Youth Activity Center (YAC) - Cox Hall, 2nd floor


    Sunday School for youth is available at both of our campuses and is led by teachers with many years of youth volunteer experience, using curriculum specifically designed for middle and high schoolers.  


    Youth group is open to all students in grades 6th-12th.  We meet during the school year on Wednesdays from 6-8pm in the YAC (top floor of Cox Hall), and throughout the summer for special activities. Weekly youth group meetings include snacks, games, Bible study, and small group time.  

  • missions

    Our youth have many opportunities to participate in missions throughout the year including a summer mission trip, Thanksgiving Food for Families, Feed My Starving Children, and various community projects.


    Our youth spaces are designed to be places where students can expand their knowledge of God and drawer closer to Him, while navigating all the challenges and changes life brings to them.  Students are led by volunteers from our congregation with a heart for Christ and youth. All of our volunteers are Safe Gatherings certified, which includes a background check. 

  • curriculum

    We use Grow Student curriculum for both our Sunday School classes and youth group meetings.  The curriculum is topic based, with many of the topics focusing on a particular book of the Bible or person.  Topics include: spiritual growth, loving others, Jesus, wisdom, community, evangelism, doubts & questions, Christmas, and Easter. 


    Keep up with our youth by joining our Facebook group.  Our youth lesson series also come with a daily devotional on the Bible app. This is a great way for parents and teens to connect over scripture, or a helpful tool for parents to learn more about what kids are learning each week. Search for "Stuff You Can Use" and then "plans" in the app or click here.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

College Care

We hope to maintain a regular personal contact between college students and their church family.  Our team sends students encouragement and reminders that God and their church family love and care about them.

CLICK HERE to sign your student up to receive these mailings or to update any address changes.


  • New McKendree Youth Facebook Group

    Parents are invited to join our private Facebook group.  Leaders and staff share photos, devotionals, and announcements.

  • newmckendreeyouth Instagram Page

    Follow us for encouragement, scripture and stay up to date on the latest teaching series.

  • New McKendree Church Newsletter

    Subscribe to our monthly newsletters for all church news!