Prayer Wall

Welcome to our family prayer wall.  Here you are invited to share your prayer requests and take a moment to pray over the needs of others.  

"God only requires of his adult children that their hearts be truly purified, and that they offer him continually the wishes and vows that naturally spring from perfect love.  For these desires, being the genuine fruits of love, are the most perfect prayers that can spring from it."  ~ John Wesley


Prayers our sister, Cherie Stembel, who will be undergoing surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells from her breast.


All friends battling cancer: Gina White Brenda Friese Lora Myers


Please add our daughter, Carly, to your prayer list. Please pray that her health issues can be controlled so she can lead a “normal” life.


Eston Livingston, our son-in law passed away Monday Nov 27th. Please keep our family in your prayers.


Elsie Eggiman, friend, surgery, Tuesday, Nov 14 at Barnes in St Louis

Please use this form to submit your prayer requests.   You can decide if you want it made public or for pastors and staff only.