MOVING DAY…the day we, as a church family, take our children, youth, and adult discipleship training to the next level.

new Sunday Morning Schedule

8:00 AM

High Street Doors Open

8:30—9:30 AM

High Street Worship (Nursery Care Provided Room 204)

9:30—9:45 AM

Hospitality (refreshments) in Fellowship Hall

9:45—10:40 AM

United Discipleship Hour in Education Building (All Ages)

10:30—11:00 AM

Doors open and Hospitality at South Campus

11:00 AM—noon

South Campus Worship (Nursery Care Provided—Room 115)

Discipleship Groups, formally known as Sunday school classes, provide the entire family — children, youth, and adults — the opportunity to grow and experience an ever-deepening faith lived out in service to God’s kingdom-building work.

Children's Discipleship Groups

  • Check-in

    Check-in for kids is at the 3rd Floor welcome desk. Kids will meet in Room 304 for a short large group time and then divide into age groups.  Parents will receive at check-out tag that must be shown for check-out.

  • Nursery

    Care for infants & toddlers ages 3 months and up will be in Room 204.

    Check-in for nursery care will be in room 204.  Parents will receive a pager and a check-out tag that must be shown for check-out.

  • Groups

    Preschool - Kindergarten

    Room 307

    1st - 2nd Grades

    Room 305

    3rd - 5th Grades

    Room 302

Youth Discipleship Groups

  • CHeck-in

    Check-in for students will be upstairs at Cox Memorial Hall at the welcome desk.  Students will meet for fellowship time and then break into groups.  Parents may pick up their student from Cox Memorial Hall

  • Youth Activities Center (YAC)

    The Youth Activities Center (YAC) is located upstairs at Cox Memorial Hall at 225 S High St.  

  • Groups

    6th-8th Grades

    Facilitators: Sara Pylate & Abby Hotop

    9th - 12th Grades

    Facilitators:  David Freeman & Tina Hart

Adult Discipleship Groups

  • Open Door

    Facilitator: Pastor Jimmie Corbin

    Room 102

    This coed group, for all ages, studies a different topic each week. They take a deep dive into the scriptures used in each Sunday's sermon message.  Contact Jimmie at

  • G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together)

    Facilitator: Pam Buck

    Room 103

    This coed group, for all ages, follows a variety of book and video studies. Starting this fall, the group will begin a video series by Andy Stanley titled “Follow”.  Contact Pam at

  • Life Journey

    Facilitators: Pastor Jim & Doris Dace Room 202

    This coed group, for all ages, does a variety of Biblical and topical studies. The class will start the fall studying “The Chosen: Season 4” - taking two Sundays to cover a series episode. Contact Jim & Doris at

  • Better Together

    Facilitators: Steve & Penny Green

    Room 105

    This coed group, for all ages, follows a variety of Biblical and topical video and book studies that focus on being conscience of Christ in our everyday life and the Holy Spirit living within us. In the fall this group will start a Max Lucado study, “Jesus - The God Who Knows Your Name.” Contact Steve and Penny

  • B.A.S.I.C. (Brother & Sisters In Christ)

    Facilitators: Mike and Jennie Buck Room 104

    This coed group, for all ages, follows a variety of Biblical and topical video and book studies that strive to meet people in the every day struggles we all face, so we can grow closer to Christ. The fall study is titled “All In” by Mark Batterson. Contact Mike at

  • Jesus Junk Journaling

    Facilitator: Donna Brown

    Room 301

    A workshop style class that focuses on Jesus “junk journaling” - a creative way to journal with things you already have. Include your favorite Bible verses, sermon thoughts, and study notes. Materials will be provided, however, your imagination will quickly take over to allow you to add your own spin. This class will meet until the end of the year and is open to all. Contact Donna

Discipleship Presentation - SMall MOve, Big Impact