Summer Day camp volunteers

Volunteers for Summer Day Camp Needed!
Summer Day Camp with Eagle Lake is planned for July 5-9th, 202, and we need a few volunteers.   Eagle Lake provides all the program and leadership staff while New McKendree provides a few volunteers to support the ministry.   

Host Families:  We will need to provide housing for the 24 Eagle Lake staff members from Saturday evening, July 3rd, through Saturday morning, July 10th.  Host homes will also provide breakfast daily and dinner on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.  They would like for each home to host a minimum of 3 staff members.  They have a policy and procedure for Covid-19 exposure, quarantine, and testing  - if you have questions about those, CLICK HERE.  You can CLICK HERE to sign up to be a host family today. 

Volunteer roles


A small-time commitment with a huge impact – you will begin the camp experience for each child!

Check-in volunteers needed Monday from 8-9:30 am, Tuesday – Friday from 8:15-9:30 am.

Check-out volunteers needed Monday from 3:30-4:30 pm, Tuesday – Thursday from 3:45-4:30 pm.

Check-out volunteers needed Friday from 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

CLICK HERE to sign up today!

Medical Volunteers

This will be someone that can help care for the small scrapes and sunscreen in the eyes! They will need to be present at any medical problem that comes up during the week of camp.  Preferably someone who has some medical background (CNA, RN, EMT, etc).

Needed on-site from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Medical volunteers will not administer medications.

CLICK HERE to sign up today!

Wednesday Staff Meal

Eagle Lake staff will have Bible study on Wednesday nights, so they will need dinner at the church.  Dinner should be dropped off at 5 pm, for our staff to eat at 5:30 pm. This would be providing a meal for 24 people. This could be anything from a catered meal to a potluck that several people have contributed to! The church will provide you will with any dietary restrictions.

CLICK HERE to sign up today!

Friday Staff Gathering

Looking for someone to host the Eagle Lake Staff for dinner and hangout time on Friday evening!

This takes place after camp from around 6 – 9 pm. Think: Big Backyards, pools, parks, or other hangout spaces!

The church will provide you will with any dietary restrictions.

CLICK HERE to sign up today!