Go Team

At New McKendree we strive to be a beacon of grace in our community, our nation and in our world by serving others. All who serve others by doing mission work outside the church or by fundraising for work to benefit those outside the church are considered to part of our “Go Team”. Anyone can join in and help. There are meaningful ways to serve for all ages. 

To find out more about opportunities to serve contact the church office or Todd Rushing (Go Team Chairman) by email toddru@rushingmarine.com or by phone (573) 450-4203.


To connect and serve in our community, we look to partner with our local schools and organizations as a means of connecting and serving in our community. Over the years we have focused our efforts on children in Foster Care and supplying school backpacks to families that need assistance. We also have a community projects team that helps with minor repair work in homes throughout the community.


At New McKendree we have a trained Emergency Response Team (ERT). Our team has responded to hurricanes in Texas, tornadoes in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois, and ice storms in the boot heel of Missouri. New McKendree is also the flood bucket depot for the Southeast District of Missouri. We gather supplies, pack the buckets, and house them until a time of need.


We have focused our international service on the country of Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Our mission there is three fold.

Mission Trip: A once a year mission trip to Bwadjout, Haiti to help with construction of churches and schools, developments of a reliable water source and building relationships with the people there.

Compassion International: A partnership that allows our church family to sponsor children in the area of Haiti we serve.

Feed My Starving Children: New McKendree joins with other churches and organizations in the community to host a Mobile Food Pack event. Since we have started this program, we have packed over 200,00 meals. We know this program works because our mission teams have prepared and served FMSC meals to our friends in Haiti. 


The United Methodist Women is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as a whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. 

Esther Circle

This group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am usually in the Fellowship Hall or in homes of members. This circle is a group of active women working to support the United Methodist Women locally, nationally, and globally. The members usually help with most dinners at the church, as well as supplying cakes for meals and fundraisers. This allows the women to get to know one another and enjoy fellowship together. The ultimate purpose of the Esther Circle is to know God and share with others the love of Jesus Christ.

Hope Circle

This group meets the second Sunday of the month at 10:15 am in the Fellowship Hall. This is a circle of young working women and mothers helping local projects with a special emphasis on projects for the Jackson R-2 School District. Each year the circle has a bake sale in December and uses the profits for various outreach mission work. This circle has active young women all sharing the started purpose of the United Methodist Women.

Mary and Martha Circle

This group meets the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in homes of members or at the church. Presently, there are active members who support local missions as well as world-wide missions. The Mary and Martha Circle includes women working full-time, part-time, and those so-called retired women who are now very active as volunteers for many worthy causes. The meetings are always informative as well as enjoyable. The welcome mat is always out for any woman looking for a circle that meets in the evening.


These are women who actively support the work and mission of the United Methodist Women, but are not members of a specific circle.

All women are invited to join UMW and enrich their faith through women's fellowship. For more information about this organization you may call the church office at 243-8487.