dISCIPLE nOW - February 22-24 2024

 Disciple Now is a local weekend retreat, for 6th-12th graders, that will empower and connect students of the Cape Girardeau area to grow deeper in their faith with God. Students stay with their friends, in host homes of caring families from our church.  Trusted small group leaders facilitate Bible study, prayer, relationship building, and discussion in the host homes.

Students will also meet at Lynwood Baptist Church alongside others students from Cape Girardeau County to participate in large group worship from Kingly with artist Lloyd Nicks and hear a challenging message from pastor Joel Carpenter.

On Saturday afternoon, students we will participate in a food packing event through Hope International and pack 50,000 meals

for local families struggling with food insecurity.  

Bring your sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, comfy clothes, personal items and your favorite soda to share!


February 5th - Last Day for Early Registration Price only pay $45 (Cost goes up to $60 after)

February 22nd - Final Registration Deadline



(may be adjusted based on number of participants)

Thursday, February 22

Large Group Session 1 at 6:30 pm at Lynwood (Doors Open at 6 pm)

(Go home!)

Friday, February 23

6:00 pm  - Arrive at Host Home (Locations will vary) 

Small Group in Host Homes

Travel to Lynwood for worship, YAC for games and fellowship, and return to Host Home.

Saturday, February 24

Host Home Small Groups, Food Packing, Worship at Lynwood

Pick Up is Saturday at 10:00 pm from the Lynwood Baptist Church.

(This is slightly different than previous years.)

Host home information, packing list, schedule, student driver forms, time away forms and other information

will be included in a DNOW Packet handed out prior to the event.